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What is Muninn Analytics? The short answer is a data analytics organization that caters to nonprofits and small businesses. The longer answer requires some background. Muninn Analytics is more than another business chasing profits; it’s a type of organization known as a social enterprise. Social enterprises are businesses that both generate revenue and strive to create positive social change, which is sometimes referred to as a ‘double bottom line.’ Revenues are reinvested in the organization in order to reduce reliance on philanthropy, making social enterprises more sustainable in the long run.

Muninn Analytics is a social enterprise operated by the Southern Oregon nonprofit NeighborWorks Umpqua. NeighborWorks Umpqua is a rural nonprofit dedicated to improving the communities in its five-county service area through services offered in housing, finance, and community development. NeighborWorks Umpqua is also a member of a nonprofit network called NeighborWorks. The network’s parent organization, NeighborWorks America, connects over 250 nonprofits together all across the United States of America to improve communities through housing, finance, and community services. 

For-profit institutions, like Fortune 500 companies, utilize data science and analytics to improve processes, procedures, services, and more. There is a growing interest in data-driven performance in the nonprofit world as well, with funders and organizations increasingly interested in using data to maximize the impact of philanthropic dollars. When NeighborWorks Umpqua surveyed the community development landscape, the organization recognized a drastic need for cost-effective data analytics for small businesses and nonprofits. Unfortunately, nonprofits and small businesses typically do not have the cash flow to invest in data analytics. Realizing this problem, NeighborWorks Umpqua launched Muninn Analytics in 2018.

Mark Plane is the Muninn Analytics data analyst and your newest advocate for change in your organization. He has degrees in Anthropology, including a Ph.D., with experience in scientific research and publication. In addition to a background in standard research and statistics, Mark has developed expertise in Python programming, machine learning and predictive analytics, text analytics and natural language processing, web scraping, interactive data visualization, and other tools from the world of modern data science. By providing these tools at a price your organization can afford, Muninn Analytics is democratizing the tools of Big Data.

Mark and Muninn Analytics can take your data, whether it’s thousands of comments on a survey or a collection of data points from a decade of program performance, and report it in a way that matters to you, your staff, and your constituents. The organization is ready to take your business or organization to the next level. Join us and we’ll find how to better use data, together.